Asian Dish - Shrimp Lo Mein

Hey guys, welcome to my blog. Another to be thankful for. Somehow along the line, you don't always want to eat the same local food. I can say almost everybody like Asian food so here is a recipe you can try with your family this holiday weekend instead of spending extra on plates in restaurants.

1lb unfrozen of yellow or white Lo Mein Noodle (cut in half)
Oil for work
4oz peeled shrimp/beef/chicken breast
3 strings of spring onions (chopped)
Celery (optional)
Bean Sprouts
1 tbsp. minced garlic
1 tsp. grated ginger
3 tbsp. soy sauce
4 tbsp. oyster sauce
1 tbsp. water
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp season ( 2 packs sazon goya)
pinch white pepper

✔️Cook the lo main noodles 5minutes and add little oil to untangle the noddles
✔️In a small bowl mix the soy sauce, oyster sauce, 1 pack sazon seasoning, black pepper and stir till they are completely mix together
✔️Set your heat to medium
✔️Add 1 pack of sazon seasoning to the shrimp 
✔️Add 2 tbsp of oil in a deep Skillet and let it heat for about a min
✔️Add the shrimps and stir for 2 minutes and take them out
✔️Add 2 tbsp oil to the skillet again 
✔️Add the ginger and garlic and stir for a minute
✔️Add the remains vegetables and stir for 3 minutes
✔️Then add the noodles to the vegetable and stir fry
✔️Stir till the vegetables are completely mix with the noodles
✔️Add the shrimps back to the noddles and stir
 ✔️Add the mixed sauce to the stir fry and stir for 5 minutes
Your Shrimp lo mein is ready to be served!!


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